Q&complAints #159: Secret Society

If you started a secret society, what would you call it?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Don’t worry, though, it’s not like this is on the Internet or anything.
questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

If you started a secret society, what would you call it?

A few weeks ago, my wife and I had a houseguest for a couple nights. She was Phoebe’s friend, because—you know—my wife has those. Anyway, this individual was vertically challenged—a fact I mentioned immediately. Short-stuff enlightened me that she’s 4’11” and that if she were one inch shorter she’d be a little person, since anyone 4’10’’ or shorter is considered to have dwarfism. I felt an instant connection, telling her that 4/11 is my birthday. Remember when you could dial 4-1-1 to get “Information”? Well, you still can! It was as though the two of us were members of a secret society where the only people allowed as adherents were born on April 11th, or stand exactly 4’11’’. We’d call it:

For Your Information

If someone called her a dwarf, midget, little person—or any other possibly derogatory term— she could tell them,

“For Your Information, anyone 4’10’’ or shorter is considered
to have dwarfism. I’m 4’11”, asshole!”

Now, if you’re 4’11’’ tall and you were born on April 11th, you automatically become President. But seeing as it’s a secret society, you could never tell anyone.

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #159: Secret Society”

  1. I could almost belong to your group. I was born 3/31 so I’m 11 days off and I have gone from 5’2” to 5’ I’m 1” too tall.
    So I guess I could name mine the almost 4 11 society.
    Where is everyone. I don’t see any responses from Deb or Diane


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