Q&complAints #157: Annoying Habit

What is your most annoying habit?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t even be annoyed if you write, like, a thousand words.
questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

What is your most annoying habit?

Most annoying to other people, or individualistically annoying? Recently, I finished reading (Re)Born in the USA: An Englishman’s Love Letter to His Chosen Home (by Roger Bennett). I’d heard good things about the book—granted, mostly from people on Roger’s Men In Blazers podcast and TV show. I believe it was author John Green (The Fault in Our Stars) who said he was moved from laughter to tears within mere seconds while reading the introduction. He wasn’t the only one. And that’s a difficult task to pull off. After reading that intro, I was expecting a riveting experience through to the end. The last couple pages, in fact, were also good. But it was the fodder in the middle that ultimately left me disappointed. Here lies the personal habit that most annoys me. If I’m told a piece of media is spectacular, the bar is set so high in my mind that I inevitably feel underwhelmed at its conclusion. Set a low anchor by telling me it’s just so-so, and there’s a good chance I’ll love it. Being perpetually contrarian to expectations is a habit that not only annoys me, but others as well.

2 thoughts on “Q&complAints #157: Annoying Habit”

  1. I have been trying to add a picture of me doing my most irritating thing but I’m unable to accomplish that task. My husband just took a picture of me doing it. I wanted to post it but can’t get it to work. It is a picture of me sleeping across the bed. I’m a bed hoger. I not only hog the bed but I snore and I tap my fingers on the headboard while I sleep to some unknown song. If I take certain medications I also punch. My husband is a Saint to put up with all of my shit. But all of these things are done in my sleep. I apologize but the next night I do something worse. I get all my exercise done in my sleep.
    Mike has been complaining for 55 years. It’s something new every night. He has no complaints during the day but night time it’s one bad habit after another.


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