Q&complAints #156 : Having a Bad Day

How do you know when you’re having a bad day?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Let all that pent up anger out.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

How do you know when you’re having a bad day?

When I answer the phone at work, I say something like, “Thanks for calling. This is Brad. How can I help you today?” To which I generally hear a response that begins, “Hi, Brian . . .” or occasionally “Hey, Brett . . .” Truth is, I seldom correct them. Works out well for me, actually. If the call goes poorly and they complain to somebody about Brian, no skin off my back. If they contact a higher-up with praise for Brett, I can swoop in and claim that credit. But on occasion I have a bad day. That’s when I’ll correct them:

“It’s Brad, not Brian! You know, like the undergarment women wear to support their breasts. But with a “D” at the end. So when you’re talking to me, you best be picturing a nicely supported pair of D-cups.”

Well, at least I contemplate saying that. It’s really not that bad constantly being called the wrong name, though. At least my name isn’t Kia. The South Korean car company got a fancy redesign of their logo, but their name continues to have the unfortunate initialism: “Killed In Action.”

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