Q&complAints #147: Candy Bowl

What candy are you most likely to have in a bowl on your coffee table?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Tell you what–leave a comment and I’ll give you permission to raid your candy bowl.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What candy are you most likely to have in a bowl on your coffee table?

We have 2 dachshunds. It’d be tough for those little guys to get onto the coffee table, but still, no open candy bowls there. When I was young, I got a gumball machine for Christmas. I think Runts were the only candy that ever filled it. Those things started off hard enough to crack a tooth, so you could never tell when they went stale. If I were to unscrew the stand it came with, I think that gumball machine would look pretty good on my coffee table. In exchange for putting it there, my wife would probably want a say in its contents. During the fall it’d be a must to have a candy corn and cashews combo. Maybe those chalky candy hearts in the weeks surrounding Valentine’s day. February would be the month Phoebe and I could lose a few pounds since no one in their right mind would eat those disgusting Conversation Hearts! Absent a seasonal snack, I’d fill it with that wondrous combo of peanut butter in a candy shell— Reese’s Pieces. Hey Mom, that gumball machine still in your basement?

6 thoughts on “Q&complAints #147: Candy Bowl”

  1. Any Dark chocolate especially if it covers a nut. My mom and dad always had M&M’s on the counter by the door. Always ate a handful on the way in and out of the house. I try to stay away from candy as much as possible cause I can not just have one. Have you noticed how some of the old favorites just do not taste the same. Either my taste buds have changed or the candy makers have changed the recipe.

  2. Dark chocolate. Especially a mint flavor with dark chocolate. I don’t keep candy dishes out with candy because I would look like an M&M. Perfectly round. Not good.

  3. I’m pretty sure we’ve discussed this before, but in case you forgot, I HATE Reese’s Pieces. Can we compromise and do M&M’s? Even PEANUT (not peanut butter) M&M’s? Or maybe I can continue my weight loss journey from February (thanks to the conversation hearts) into the summer months if you end up filling the machine with Reese’s Pieces.

    Wait….are you trying to tell me something?????


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