Q&complAints #134 : Right to Judge

Who has no right to judge you?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t judge you either way.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

Who has no right to judge you?

Two thoughts:

  1. Everyone has the right to judge you . . .
  2. Except judges.

Every time we interact with someone, we judge them. Whenever I drive past someone walking along the road’s edge with their back to oncoming traffic, I judge that a passenger-side mirror shattering any combination of their ulna, radius, and humerus would serve them right. If you walk with traffic so you can’t see what’s coming at you, you endanger everyone on the road. Disagree with me? You’re allowed. Share my feelings (even though you’d be loathe to admit it so matter-of-factly)? Understandable. Either way, it’s your right to judge me. Stopping the car a hundred yards down the road and walking—facing traffic!—back to the bleeding, wailing criminal who broke my mirror, I imagine helping myself to the contents of their wallet.

“I’m talking this $300 to fix the mirror you broke. Consider yourself
lucky—I won’t call the cops on you for vandalism.”

The real question: does the judge in my Hit-and-Run(-and-Return-and-Run-Again) case have any right to judge me? You think so, don’t you? Is it because the verb’s right there in the job title?

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