Q&complAints #133: Courteous Person

What is an example of you being a courteous person?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I think it’d be mighty nice of you.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is an example of you being a courteous person?

Recently watched Eighth Grade—a film written and directed by Bo Burnham. It’s about a socially awkward girl finishing middle school. The movie focuses heavily on the impact social media and omnipresent cell phone access have on today’s youths. The key word in that description is “awkward.” I think we’ve all had the experience of viewing or listening to someone perform poorly, or simply be in an extremely awkward situation. An incident so uncomfortable that you—having no allegiance to the person in question—begin demonstrating physical signs as though you were the one being made to look a fool. I experienced this phenomenon more than once while watching Eighth Grade. Why does this happen to us? Elevated heart rate, increased breathing rate, and sweaty palms serve me no biological function while I’m relaxing in the comfort of my living room, forking scrambled eggs into my gullet. I can only fathom that this autonomic response is driven by a deep-seated compassion for your fellow human being. Many would not see this as an example of being a courteous person, but it sure beats the polar alternatives of heckling and bullying.

7 thoughts on “Q&complAints #133: Courteous Person”

  1. Phoebe, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have the shoots and I’m waiting for the booster. I am still wearing a mask. I wear it not only for myself but for others who may be immuno-compromised. It really upsets me to hear families arguing over this issue. We are living in very trying times.

  2. You were feeling compassion AND empathy. You put yourself in another person’s shoes. If more people were able to do this, we would have ourselves a better world. Unfortunately, too many people are so selfish and make decisions based only on what they think is best for them, with no thought for humanity as a whole. The most courteous thing anyone can do right now is get the COVID vaccine. Have some compassion and courtesy for your fellow humans. Saving a life (or LIVES) is pretty courteous, I’d say.


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