Q&complAints #128: Horror Story Victim

If you wrote a horror story, how would the first victim die?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But, come on, it won’t kill you.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

If you wrote a horror story, how would the first victim die?

Lots of people have a Concealed Carry Permit (CCW) these days. Odds are—in the not so distant past—you’ve walked right by an upstanding citizen carrying a firearm, with you none the wiser. I had a CCW in the recent past. It expired a year ago, but I have no intention of renewing it. I never took advantage of the rights bestowed by it anyway. I do see the protective benefits a firearm would afford in an active shooter situation. Especially as mass shootings seem to have become all the rage this year. I often imagine the conundrum of firing all 8 rounds from my Beretta 32 Tomcat. No more bullets to reload with. Those 8 rounds did nothing but piss off the gunman and give away my hiding spot. I could have just stayed hidden with my weapon at the ready, praying he didn’t come toward me. My last few seconds of life spent remembering the plethora of times I refused my father’s inquiries to join him at the shooting range. Perhaps that’d make for a deserving death for the first victim of my horror story.

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #128: Horror Story Victim”

  1. Oh man Sue, I remember that scene. Very horrifying and disturbing at the same time. I don’t like horror movies but watch a lot of shows like Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy, the Mummy, Queen of the South, and various murder crime shows. If I was writing a horror story (which I would not) my first victim would be cut to pieces, one finger at a time and tortured maybe skinned alive. Boy, that makes me cringe just thinking my mind would go that way.

  2. Mike and I are watching Sons of Anarchy again. A few episodes back they were killing someone in the most disgusting way.
    They buried him upright underground and let only his head, neck and shoulders stick out above ground. They put red ants all over him and let the ants do their job. It was so bad. Clay came along, being the good person he is, and covered the poor mans nose until he died. Now that was traumatizing to watch. That would make a good beginning to a horror story.
    I don’t watch horror stories but my husband likes stories such as mafia or something along that line. Something with a lot of killing.


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