Q&complAints #113 : Uninteresting Locale

What part of the world doesn’t really interest you?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Everything you have to say interests me.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What part of the world doesn’t really interest you?

Afghanistan!! That sounds harsh. Allow me to elaborate. I have absolutely no interest in visiting Afghanistan. First off, I’m not military, so I’m fairly certain there’s a 0% chance of me getting into the country at present, even if I wanted to. Secondly, I’m not in the market for a new wardrobe—I don’t think football (read: soccer) jerseys will fly all that well given their traditional attire. Although, we did just begin wearing scrubs at work, so those might work in a pinch. Thirdly, I don’t have a passport. Fourthly (is that a word?), I have that nagging desire to not imminently fear for my safety every waking second. On a positive note, though, the weather in the Taliban-controlled capital of Kabul seems fantastic. It reminds me of a slightly warmer San Diego—constant sunshine, very little rain. The political landscape of the two cities differs radically, however. Since the question asks about “part of the world”—rather than a single country—I might as well extrapolate my lacking interest to the entirety of the Middle East. Yes, this includes you, comically named Djibouti. [Comment with your best “Ya Booty” joke.]

3 thoughts on “Q&complAints #113 : Uninteresting Locale”

  1. Middle East and Asia. No desire to go there. Who knew after 20 years of trying to make peace, stopping the Taliban, creating a good military and government they folded like a cheap lawn chair. Thank you George W. for getting us there in the first place.

  2. Wouldn’t want to go there either. Our commander in chief removed all the military before getting all American citizens out of the country. Now he has to send forces back to save them. All for a few votes from those he will say he rescued.Really wouldn’t want to leave our country because just illegals are given priority to enter safely. Just saying.

  3. Couldn’t agree with you more. Even if the circumstances were different in that corner of the world, I’d pass on visiting.


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