Q&complAints #106 : Currently Thinking About

What are you thinking about right now?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you don’t write anything, I’ll have to assume you just aren’t thinking anything at all.
questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

What are you thinking about right now?

I’m thinking about the same thing right now as I have been daily for more than 12 years. Person—not thing. It was on August 7, 2009 that Phoebe and I married. Would you look at that—today’s August 7th. I’ve never understood that classic troupe of a husband forgetting his anniversary. Just get it tattooed on your body if it’s that difficult to remember! Every time I hear the term anniversary, I think about that special type of person who would say, “Today’s our 12-year anniversary.” Might as well go full redundant and declare,

“Right now, today, my wife and I, we’ve been married as a wedded couple for a dozen years, celebrating our 12-year anniversary.”

Anni- derives from annus, meaning year. The same annus that gives us annual: “of, for, or pertaining to a year.” So there’s no need to include year anywhere near a sentence containing anniversary. And don’t get me started on the absolute absurdity of young lovebirds who celebrate their “3-month anniversary” of “going steady.” They could legitimately call it a “quarter-anniversary,” without drawing my ire. I’m done contemplating love lives of teenagers—too busy thinking about Phoebe.

8 thoughts on “Q&complAints #106 : Currently Thinking About”

  1. Happy anniversary. How sweet and thoughtful to have this as your question today. God bless you both with many more.
    Oh forgot, what am I thinking about? You two love birds.

  2. Happy Anniversary you two lovebirds. It’s wonderful to hear you still love each other. I always say, you show your love by your actions not words. Mike and I had our 55th anniversary. We still love each other. To put up with someone for 55 years, you had better love them.
    I wish you many more happy and healthy anniversaries.


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