Q&complAints #104 : Tell Me A Lie

What lie would you like to tell right now?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Completely make something up if you want; it’s a lie, after all.
questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

What lie would you like to tell right now?

I recently watched Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It’s said to be his 9th film—if you consider Kill Bill: Volumes 1 & 2 as a single film. Tarantino said publicly that he will retire after his 10th film. Anyone believe that BS? I believe he’d sooner retire than make films completely void of the violence and death that litter his work. That wouldn’t fit his style. There were a couple scenes in the movie where Quentin set us up to anticipate violence and death. But the deaths didn’t arrive until the last quarter hour of the 161 minute film. Along with promised violence, his fans know to expect prolonged scenes that drag on and on, ultimately adding only a small—but important—aspect to the film. I can appreciate this facet of his creative expression. However, in order not to overstay my welcome, I’ve decided to make this my final post. The number 104 has always been my favorite, thus I can think of no better place to end than with Q&complAints #104. (This would’ve been much better had it been posted on the 1st of April!)

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #104 : Tell Me A Lie”

  1. I love Italy. Plan to move there next year when covid is finally under control. I can eat pasta and great breads every day and drink the best wine. I learned Italian this year so I can converse with the people. Duel citizenship will allow me to move freely between Europe countries and the US. Come visit in my villa in Tuscany that is currently being remodeled.
    Oh shit, I think that was a dream at one time. Back to reality.

  2. I like the number 104 also. It’s our Villa number in James Place.
    I would like to say I am in perfect shape. Nothing hurts and I do what I did 60 years ago. The last old fart that told me that had dementia and didn’t know the difference.
    Truthfully though, I thank God every day for what I can do at 74. Walk 4 miles a day and take care of my house. As long as I can do that I’m happy.


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