Q&complAints #099 : Annoying Commercial

What commercial do you find very annoying?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t be annoyed either way.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What commercial do you find very annoying?

There was this ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES AMERICA campaign in the weeks leading up to the Olympic Games. Sure, Americans should get the COVID vaccine. But it’d probably have been more important for the Japanese to get theirs since—I don’t know—thousands of athletes are flocking to Tokyo in 2021 for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. But this commercial was on U.S television, so it is what it is. That’s far from the reason the commercial was so very annoying to me, though. Before reading the rest of this complaint, watch the video and see if you can spot what would annoy a pharmacist who has administered thousands of vaccines. Intramuscular vaccines. Into the deltoid.

[Click HERE to view the commercial.]

Did you see it? Annoying right!? They might as well have placed those bandages on their damn
wrists. The injection goes in the center of the meaty deltoid, not the bicep! And how big a
bandage do you need? People usually don’t even bleed with the 23 or 25 gauge needles we
use. I understand it’s just a commercial intending to help spread the message, but how about a
little realism.

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #099 : Annoying Commercial”

  1. I never saw that commercial but the band aid was annoying even for me. Caught on immediately that it was in the wrong place. Most commercials annoy me, that is why we TVO almost everything we watch. A bent penis would definitely be way TMI. I also hate the ones about guys that can’t get it up.

  2. I see it. I get my blood drawn at the Cleveland Clinic Satellite by us and they use what looks like a bright colored Ace bandage around your elbow for a tiny blood rest. Cracks me up every time a have bloodwork. I walk out looking like my arm was severed at the elbow and reconnected by the bright ace bandage.
    The commercial that annoys me though is the one about the crooked penis. Really that’s too much information for me.


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