Q&complAints #098 : Pretend to Like

What is something you pretend to like?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t just pretend to like what you say–I’ll respond honestly.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is something you pretend to like?

While I can stream the majority of films I watch via the plethora of streaming services my wife and I subscribe to, I often borrow Blu-rays from the library. I add them to my library app whenever I see one advertised that I think looks worth my time. I get a text when they’re available for pickup, then I swing by after work. I must have added MIB International to the list mainly because of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. My thought must have been: I’ve already watched the first three Will Smith iterations, so I might as well indulge Chris Hemsworth. I certainly didn’t add it because of stellar ratings: 5.6/10 IMDb; 23% Rotten Tomatoes; 38% Metacritic. Perhaps the poor ratings led me to like MIB International more than the ratings would’ve predicted— the anchor was set for me to expect very little. Alas, the subtle humor, tolerable storyline, and deadpan voice of Kumail Nanjiani were enough to eclipse my low expectations. But maybe this is merely my rationalization to not hate the film. Makes me wonder how often I’ve pretended to like a movie simply to avoid conforming to the consensus opinion.

8 thoughts on “Q&complAints #098 : Pretend to Like”

  1. Well my husband, for some strange reason, has started watching Gotham. It is the worse series I have ever seen. It’s so dark, the acting is horrible and the story line just plain sucks. I just sit there and play on my iPad. He sits and tries to explain and I just say oh, oh like I really care.

  2. I pretended to like soccer when my godchild played. Still pretend today if someone wants to watch it or if it is on tv in a sports bar. Sorry Brad🙈

  3. One thing I pretend to like is chicken patties. Now don’t get me wrong a nice piece of chicken with BBQ sauce and a slice of American cheese on a hamburger is delicious… Until that is dinner every other day. One summer when I was younger my mom had a job that had her working at dinner time so that left my dad in charge. Well, he would get home from work at 3:30 and either have to cut the grass (if it was Monday) or he would hop in the swimming pool with me and my brother. 6:00 would roll around and all 3 of us would be hungry so my dad would look for something quick and easy. I still don’t know why he always picked chicken patties when he could make hot dogs or Mac & cheese but that was always what he picked. Now to this day whenever him or my mom makes chicken patties for dinner I just eat leftovers that are in the refrigerator.


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