Q&complAints #081 : Know Whose Whereabouts

Whose whereabouts would you like to know?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! If you’re wondering about my whereabouts, I’m likely at home with my puppies.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Whose whereabouts would you like to know?

I recently read Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking (posthumously completed based on his previous writings). Cross one off the ol’ list. You know the list I’m talking about—we all have one. The list of people you’d kill . . . to be able to read another of their books. You’ll read whatever these authors write on the strength of their reputation alone—even if they technically only wrote a portion of it. I was quite disappointed back in 2018 that I didn’t hear about Hawking’s death until a few days after it happened. Granted, this was a man of 76 years, given only 24 months to live when diagnosed with ALS at age 21. So I suppose it’s understandable that a huge fuss wasn’t made about the genius who outlived his proposed expiration date by 5+ decades. Stephen now lies in Westminster Abbey, between Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. The church seems an odd place for someone believing there is no God—just a Universe unfolding as dictated by physics. I would love to know Hawking’s eternal whereabouts. “For then we [might] truly know the mind of God.”

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #081 : Know Whose Whereabouts”

  1. I like knowing where my sons are and what they are doing even though they live hundreds of miles away.

  2. I would love to know the whereabouts of my parents and Uncle Tony. I know my beliefs in God and am studying the Bible but would love to know if they made it.

  3. As my grandchildren grow, I would love to put a tracker on them to know their whereabouts. They are ages 16, 20, 22 and 23. They are growing their wings and flying. As I write, 2 of them are somewhere between Duke University and Poland Ohio. I just want to keep them safe. God only knows where this crazy world is going to take them and what life has in store for them. All I want for them is health and happiness. Tons of money doesn’t do it.


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