Q&complAints #069 : World’s Most Offensive Person

Who is/was the most offensive person in the world?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t take offense either way.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

Who is/was the most offensive person in the world?

It follows from the Biblical story of Adam and Eve that we’re all descendant from those two. She was created from his rib, so there seems to be an inherent lack of genetic diversity—they were, essentially, siblings procreating with one another. Later generations saw more siblings bumping uglies, cousins getting busy, and I wouldn’t put it past a few fathers impregnating their own daughters. A handful of generations into human existence, we’d finally have family relations distant enough to satisfy today’s legal requirements for marriage and procreation. Assuming all the above assumptions are correct, who’s the most offensive person in the world? Did you read the part about fathers and daughters?! Who knows, though, maybe Eve got bored with Adam, so she and Cain or Abel . . . you know. But maybe not! I don’t know. Logically speaking, Adam likely procreated with more daughters and granddaughters than Eve did her male heirs since Adam’s reproductive years encompassed his entire life, while Eve’s would only have lasted until menopause. Ethics were obviously different when the world population was double digits. But current U.S. laws would definitely put Adam behind bars.

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