Q&complAints #063 : Where You Like to Get Lost

Where would you like to get lost?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But why not get lost in your opinions as you pen them here?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Where would you like to get lost?

I’m approaching this question from a mental, rather than physical angle. Pushing that power button from across the room opens a world in which to get lost in the lives and adventures of others for 23 to 47 minutes. (You fast-forward through the commercials, too, right?) My wife and I watch a handful of TV programs together—always recorded, or On Demand. Recently, we had three programs in the queue to choose from: The Good Doctor, Fear the Walking Dead, and Mare of Easttown. Usually, we just watch one episode per night while eating dinner. Since The Good Doctor ended up with a Mom-to-be losing her baby, we decided to watch a second show to try to close the night in a more upbeat mental state. Wouldn’t you know, though, a Mom-to-be in Fear the Walking Dead delivered a stillborn baby. Neither of us had the time or ambition to watch the third show that night. The following evening we nearly witnessed a toddler on Mare of Easttown intentionally suffocated with a pillow. Sometimes the quest to get lost in the relaxation of a TV program—or three—just doesn’t quite work out.

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #063 : Where You Like to Get Lost”

  1. A nice beach house at the ocean big enough for the whole family. Always wanted to do that. Haven’t so far

  2. I would love to be lost on a cruise ship sailing around the beautiful Caribbean Sea. It is so peaceful and quiet Only a few thousand others with you.
    On second thought I’ll take Disney.
    I was already on a ship in the Caribbean Sea for 12 days at the beginning of Covid. We weren’t allowed on any islands because of Covid so we just sailed around. Be careful what you wish for.

  3. Disney World, love that place. I feel like a kid again, just wish I could get lost there without the other 200,000 people in my way.


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