Q&complAints #060 : Latest Baffling Trend

What latest trend simply baffles you?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But it’d be baffling why you wouldn’t.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What latest trend simply baffles you?

Not long ago, the world awaited a vaccine for COVID-19—looking forward to that day we could all get back to our normal lives. The vaccines are here, yet we’re barely halfway to the magic herd immunity figure of 70% of the population vaccinated. To incentivize people to get their shot(s), many states and institutions have begun the baffling trend of financially rewarding people choosing to get vaccinated. West Virginia offers a $100 savings bond; a few Universities give tuition credit for fully vaccinated students; a doctor in Buffalo, NY is even raffling off a Tesla. It doesn’t so much baffle me that people require financial rewards to keep themselves and their communities healthy. It baffles me that such incentives are becoming so widespread. No laws specifically outlaw receiving compensation for the donation of whole blood, yet that’s long been seen as taboo. Why is paying someone to get a COVID vaccine any different than donating much needed blood? Fun fact: every year, Penn & Teller have a blood drive in Las Vegas, giving donors complimentary tickets to their world-famous magic show. They sign an affidavit claiming the tickets have no monetary value.

7 thoughts on “Q&complAints #060 : Latest Baffling Trend”

  1. Not working and taking the $300.00 from the government. One day you’ll be paying that back. Just wait and see. But so will all of the other citizens.

    • I probably won’t be around before all the money is paid back. That will be the problem of all those who are taking it. Some because they actually need help, but others because they are just lazy and take the easiest way out. The problem is that those who are actually working and trying to bring our Country back to greatness, are the ones who will be paying back the most because the ones who are taking the handout now, some legitimately others because they are lazy, will still be lazy and find some other way for all you hard workers to support them.

  2. I always heard innocent until proven guilty. Now people can say whatever they want about you, especially on social media, and you must prove them wrong. So it’s guilty until proven innocent. Case in point was my daughter made the first cut for the Superintendent of Poland Schools. Needless to say a make was chosen but that’s neither here nor there. The crap that was on social media was ridiculous. One was she was never an administrator. That was not true. She has been an administrator for years. She trains the present Superintendents for the State. And she was going to teach the critical race theory. You teach what the state orders not what you choose. Also a lie. She held her head up and never answered. Her friends and co workers told the truth but the crap was out there. Just keep throwing shit at the wall and something will stick.

  3. I know, that is crazy paying people to get vaccinated. You would think people would do it just to save themselves and their fellow man. A trend that drives me crazy is the pants below the butt. They can hardly walk and who wants to see their underwear. Another latest trend going viral is selfishness, greed and laziness.

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