Q&complAints #057 : Movie Too Scary For Kids

What movie is way too scary for children?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I know the first time can be scary, but it’s so easy, a kid can do it.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What movie is way too scary for children?

What defines a scary movie? It’s subjective. Some consider your traditional horror film— relying heavily on jump scares—to be scary. Jaws famously seldom shows the full shark—a simple shark fin, a couple ominous chords and the human imagination did more to keep a generation of ocean goers on the beach than an animatronic shark ever could. Watching Joker yesterday, I wasn’t so much scared in the screams-of-fear sense, as I was in the bat-shit-crazy psychological realm. The exploration of Joaquin Phoenix’s mental issues as they circled the drain into total lunacy was scary to me. Joker earned over $1 billion, so I have to assume a whole lot of children may have ill-advisedly watched Gotham City’s villain take shape. There was a disturbing scene where he removed everything from his refrigerator, climbed inside, and closed the door. The scene ended, cutting to the next day, not to be referenced for the remainder of the film. Perhaps a suicide attempt by suffocation or hypothermia—either way, a scary look into the mind of a crazed man. Regardless, I always appreciate an instance of Chekhov’s Gun staying on the mantle.

6 thoughts on “Q&complAints #057 : Movie Too Scary For Kids”

  1. I don’t think Joker is for Kids. I found it a very dark and disturbing moving.
    I am not the person to be judging movies for kids. When my 3 granddaughters were all around 10 or less they spent the night with Nana and Tat (Mike and I). I asked what movie they wanted to see and one said JackAss. I was a good Nana. I ran as fast as I could to Giant Eagle and rented it for them like any good grandmother would. We made popcorn and started to watch. I have never seen such filth and men’s private parts in my life. Needless to say after a few minutes I returned the movie to Giant Eagle.

  2. Today I would say just about any movie is scary for children. Scary meaning not a scream kind of scared like Friday the 13th type movies (BTW which I hate, can’t stand that creepy jump out of no where kind of scary). I mean most movies which show mental anguish, killing, torcher or something like the Joker.


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