Q&complAints #051 : Everyone Try Once

What should everyone get to try once in their life?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You should post a comment at least once in your life, though.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What should everyone get to try once in their life?

A light year sounds like a measure of time. It’s got the word year right in the name. But no, no—it’s a measure of the distance light travels in one Earth year: about 5.879 trillion miles!! But a photon of light doesn’t know what a year is. In fact, it has no sense of time. Light can travel what we interpret as a billion years, but due to the craziness of special relativity, light experiences zero time having passed. Thanks Einstein! Let’s adapt this to the often desired superpower of teleportation. If I want to teleport 1 billion light years away from Earth, all I have to do is move at the speed of light and it’ll seem to me that I got there instantaneously. As soon as I arrive, though, I realize I forgot my phone charger back on Earth. This is where a problem arises. After undertaking the same lightspeed teleportation back home, I find that 2 billion years have elapsed on Earth. Since humans are now extinct, it’s pointless to search for my charger. At least I got my one chance to peer into the future.

7 thoughts on “Q&complAints #051 : Everyone Try Once”

  1. Holding a Grandchild would be nice.lol. Having a good family and celebrating the end of all this crazy with them would be nice too. Maybe one day.

  2. Everyone should get to hold a newborn grandchild in their arms. Holding it you just wonder what their future and yours hold. If you get to see one being born it is even more exciting.
    I don’t think I want to see into the future. I want my future to be a surprise to me.

  3. Good one Brad. Looking into the future would be great but would anyone really change what they are doing from now until then. Everyone should get to try loving someone once in their life. Also eating great dark chocolate and Handles ice cream.


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