Q&complAints #047 : Glad Not Doing Right Now

What are you thankful you’re not doing right now?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But there are much worse things you can be doing right now.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What are you thankful you’re not doing right now?

Finished my taxes yesterday. Glad I’m not still doing that right now! Ours are quite simple, though: W2, HSA, student loans, mortgage, donations. That’s it. Quick and easy. But still . . . taxes suck. I’m one of those people who’s fine if I owe money—which I did again this year. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to see a huge red number at the top of Turbo Tax. It’d be fantastic if it turns blue and I know I’m getting a refund. But if I end up owing a little bit, I’m perfectly fine with that. It’s good to know that I didn’t give our government a short-term, 0% interest loan. An extremely tiny loan, but a loan nonetheless. Thinking of it like this, they gave me that very same, tiny, 0% loan. That’s a few hundred bucks I used throughout the year to pay down my mortgage a tiny bit more. By my calculations, any additional principal I pay now saves me 1.2x its value over the life of the loan. Not a great interest rate when divided over the next 2 decades, but better than nothing.

3 thoughts on “Q&complAints #047 : Glad Not Doing Right Now”

  1. I’m with you Diane. I think they are trying to keep us all locked up until all the older people die of boredom. Then they’ll have more room for the illegals. lol

  2. Yep the only two things you have to do is pay taxes and die. Glad my taxes are done and I am not dead.


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