Q&complAints #044 : Disrespectful to Another Person

What is the most disrespectful thing someone can do to another person?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t see it as disrespect.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the most disrespectful thing someone can do to another person?

The day of this posting is April 11. It also so happens to be the day of my birth back in 1980. I can’t prove that via personal memory, but I have a legal document that verifies such. I can also appreciate that my mother seconds the motion. And shouldn’t she know? She was there after all—likely experiencing a good deal of pain. Many would say that today is my 41st birthday. These folks are highly disrespecting what my mother went through that Friday. That was the day my parents first laid their eyes on me. It was the day they first heard me cry. And the day their first child had a new baby brother. April 11, 1980 was my 1st birthday. The day I turned 1 was my 2nd birthday. On my 3rd birthday I turned 2-years-old. Today—on my 42nd birthday—I turn 41. Please don’t belittle and disrespect what my mother went through that day, or the 9 months preceding it. Don’t disrespect your mother, or anyone else’s, either. It’s long overdue that we correct this insult to disrespected mothers around the world.

6 thoughts on “Q&complAints #044 : Disrespectful to Another Person”

  1. Happy Birthday Young Man. You count birthdays the Italian way. We must always respect our parents. We were all lucky to have parents who deserve the respect. I see, especially in this day and age, there are many who do not deserve the respect. I find this sad.
    The most disrespectful thing you could do is to just not acknowledging someone. Pretending they don’t exist and going on with your life is worse than sitting down and discussing your differences.

  2. Happy birthday and I totally agree we should never disrespect our mother even when she may not have been the best. In your case you were extremely blessed to have a fantastic mother. Also true in my case. My grandfather Martucci always said his age the way you do. Not sure which is correct but I think the idea is to count how many years here on earth outside the safety of your mothers womb.

    To answer your question I think it depends on the individual. As a woman calling me a c@#t is very disrespectful. As a gay woman calling me a dike is disrespectful.

    So happy 41st year outside the womb and 42nd alive.


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