Q&complAints #042 : Physically Painless Torture

What would be an original, physically painless form of torture?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I feel like such a pain in the butt even asking.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What would be an original, physically painless form of torture?

What is pain, really? It’s very subjective—determined only by the person experiencing it. One person’s “10” is another’s “1.” Pain scales have never made much sense to me. There’s bound to be some lucky bastard out there who’s suffered nothing more painful than a stubbed toe. That’s their “10”. On the other extreme, a torture victim may have a plethora of excruciating pains worthy of their top spot: fingernails ripped out with pliers; cigarettes extinguished on testicles; any Britney Spears’ song on repeat. But I digress. A physically painless form of torture needs to cause either emotional or mental torment. Imagine lighting someone’s hair on fire. Just a strand or two at a time. The smell! Doesn’t matter if it’s scalp, beard, arm, axillary, or genital hair. The strand takes the flame, burning slow for only an instant before the fire races toward the follicle. It’s snubbed out by the torturer just before burning the skin of the torturee. Brittany belts out “Oops, I did it again” as the next hair is lit asunder. Mental anguish builds. Will this be the flame that burns my skin? God the smell!

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #042 : Physically Painless Torture”

  1. Just put me in a confined area and if it’s dark I’m going crazy. I go bonkers when I need an MRI.

  2. My painless torture would be listening to rap music for an extended period of time. Or someone running their nails down a chalk board or clicking your pen for ever. My pen clicking is fine just don’t like hearing someone else’s.


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