Q&complAints #040 : Disgusting Insect

What insect disgusts you the most?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But, in truth, I’m slightly disgusted that you wouldn’t.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What insect disgusts you the most?

More commonly known as the house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata absolutely disgusts my wife. Turns out, though, they eat cockroaches, flies, moths, earwigs, even small spiders—all pests we don’t necessarily want in our basements and bathrooms. Other than their unsightly nature—looking like an amalgamation of a giant bacteria, and a creature from an exoplanet you don’t want to live on—they are harmless to humans. I don’t so much mind them, though, despite how quickly they can move. I’m much more disgusted by spiders, even when they’re motionless and lonesome in their silky webs. Even though spiders aren’t insects by the taxonomical definition, I’m using the pop culture vernacular. And, God forbid, if one silently descends upon me like a death-defying Cirque Du Soleil acrobat on an aerial silk. I rest assured, though, that of the 45,000 known species of spiders, only 25 are social species. So there’s little need to worry that seeing one spider in your house mandates there be 1000s more. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware there are certainly 1000s more in my house, but they’re not all members of some secret cabal planning my imminent demise.

5 thoughts on “Q&complAints #040 : Disgusting Insect”

  1. I don’t like spiders but they don’t gross me out. Ants too I don’t like but their pattern of going in and out of a place is very interesting. They do gross me out when I find them in the kitchen. Florida has these really small ants, almost can’t see them with the naked eye. Per our exterminator, they are called white foot something. I sad why white foot and he said cause if you look at them under a microscope they have white feet. Go figure, they gross me out when they congregate in one spot. There path in and out of a room is very interesting though, they walk in a straight line like soldiers. Always the same path.

  2. I don’t like spiders or stink bugs.I really dislike ants when they get in the house and then I have to get rid of them then disinfect everything.

  3. Centipedes really gross me out. All creepy crawlers creep me out but centipedes really do as do silver fish. They are gross too. I wish I could get rid of all of them but that wouldn’t be good as all of them do some good. Let them do their good elsewhere away from me.


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