Q&complAints #037 : Very Impressive Elderly Person

What could an elderly person do that you would consider very impressive?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But Grandpa would be impressed if you did.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What could an elderly person do that you would consider very impressive?

The saying goes: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” What qualifies as old in human years? It’s certainly not 40, because I’m still learning new things—updating thoughts and beliefs. Granted, it’s more of a fine-tuning nowadays than an overarching, 180° change. Thinking back to some beliefs I had in my younger years, I’ve definitely done a couple about-faces. I can imagine an 80-year-old man conversing with his teenage grandson. An issue arises that sees them on polar opposite ends of the debate. The old man says:

“I thought the same as a naive boy—didn’t know my ass from a mason jar. Age’ll fix you soon enough. Always does. Hell, I changed my own mind so often, your great-grandmum threatened me with the loony bin. Seein’ as you’re sure to change your mind after I’m dead and gone, how’s ‘bout you let me talk with the older you so we can agree that I may not be right . . . but you’re definitely wrong.”

It’d be impressive as hell if the old man got a teenager to admit he just might not know everything.

3 thoughts on “Q&complAints #037 : Very Impressive Elderly Person”

  1. Our 22 almost 23 year old granddaughter, Kayla, is a typical college kid. Very liberal. She will argue and argue with her Uncle who is ultra conservative and very Pro Trump. She doesn’t agree with him on anything and loves to argue her point. If my husband makes a point, she will listen to him and usually agree. She says her Uncle Butch can’t prove his point but my husband, who she calls Tat can. She thinks he is the smartest person to walk the earth. She tells her Mom, PHD my ass. Tat is the smartest person I know. Your Mom and brother saw her in action last Christmas when she had too much wine.
    And you can teach and old dog new tricks. I’m 73, I’ll be 74 next week and I’m still trying to learn new things. Be it a recipe or something new on the computer I’m trying. If you don’t keep learning, your brain goes very mushy.

  2. There are many things an elderly person can do that would impress me. Trying to convince a young 20-30 something person they are wrong would be high on my list. It amazes me how 40+ years of experience, being in management for billion dollar companies, living through racial wars, vietnam, Korean War, all these latest wars, women’s suffrage, equal rights, etc. etc. just doesn’t qualify me to give any advise to these young people. Another fun thing that impresses me is the 80+ year old ladies who beat the pants off me in golf. I am also impressed by the old person who can’t stand up straight but is so in love with life that you can see the love just pouring out of them. Just want to hug them.


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