Q&complAints #034 : Love to Brag About

What do you love to brag about?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But you can brag to all your friends if you do.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What do you love to brag about?

Don’t mean to brag, but I can spot every iteration of an improperly set up chess board. Saw one at the gift shop of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, but the clerk wasn’t exactly impressed when I pointed it out. Sometimes I’ll rewind a show if a board’s on the screen too briefly—to Phoebe’s great annoyance. I watched an episode of Young Sheldon—“A Pager, a Club and a Cranky Bag of Wrinkles”—the other day and saw an error. There are 3 main ways to set a board incorrectly. The King & Queen can be on the wrong squares—“Queen to Color.” The board can be turned 90°. When sitting behind your pieces, the square at the bottom right corner must be white. Or, the board may rarely be flipped 180°, but only if using one with “1-8” and “a-h” designations to assist with documenting moves. White needs “a1” as the lower left square on these boards. Anyway, Sheldon visited the University’s Chess Club. Lo and behold, a black square was at the bottom right corner. I thought for sure the child genius would point out the faux pas. Nope. Very disappointed!

7 thoughts on “Q&complAints #034 : Love to Brag About”

  1. Surprised Sheldon didn’t notice the wrongly set up chess board. Love that show. Not surprised you did though Brad. My granddaughter, Kayla, loves to play chess. She looks for people to play with her. One day she asked a friend of hers of color if she played. The young lady thought the question was hysterical. She told her, we don’t play Chess in the ghetto.
    As you guessed, like most grandmothers, I love talking about my grandchildren. Not always bragging either. But I do enjoy telling people their little stories.

  2. I am not surprised that you would notice an incorrect chess set up. You mother should be proud. I love to brag (when the opportunity exists) about my new Christian faith. I wish I could brag about my golf game but it isn’t anything to brag about.


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