Q&complAints #031 : When to Speak Your Mind

When is it essential to speak your mind?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But what better time to speak your mind? 

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. . .here are my thoughts.

When is it essential to speak your mind?

February is “Black History Month”—granted it’s the shortest month. But an average of 28.25 days far exceeds the mere 24 hours of “International Women’s Day” every March 8th. If women only get a single day, a proposed “Old Rich White Dude Quarterly” would need whittled down to “ORWD Nanosecond.” The global “International Women’s Day” celebration began in 1911, but honestly, this year was the first I’d heard of it. The day’s meant to:

  • celebrate women’s achievements
  • raise awareness about women’s equality
  • lobby for accelerated gender parity
  • fundraise for female-focused charities

You probably agree this is a great celebration of women. It’s a shame, though, that people need a dedicated day to realize this. Want your species to persist? Than women are important . . . every day! Obviously, that’s infinitely underselling the importance of women, but the ability to reproduce is so instrumental and unique in the female bag-of-tricks that further reasoning for 365+ days per year of respect should not be necessary. You’d think it would have been essential for someone to speak this aspect of their mind in 1911 when “International Women’s Day” was proposed.

9 thoughts on “Q&complAints #031 : When to Speak Your Mind”

  1. Diane. You worked for American Greetings. How would they sell cards if it wasn’t for those days. Also. Your great niece, my beautiful granddaughter, doesn’t realize she wouldn’t have been able to grow up in Poland with an Italian mother and a Filipino father. Poland did not want any Italians a few years back, let alone a Filipino. And she is both. And a Italian Filipino Homecoming Queen, like her sister, would not have worked. I don’t think the kids understand that. We have come a long way. Why haven’t others.
    My husband can tell you the prejudice he saw when he first started working for the city schools. The Masons were in charge back then and didn’t like the Italians. He held his head up and continued working. After the masons were gone he tried for his bosses job and was told he wasn’t dark enough. The job was given to a black man. He held his head up and continued working. He put in 42 years and was very well respected when he left. He wasn’t where he wanted to be but had come far. He came here with $12.00 in his pocket and despite all of the prejudices we are happy and doing fine and in need of nothing Our daughter is now on the Commission running those same schools that her father worked for and saw those prejudices .
    Hope I haven’t gone on to much but Brad you know how to ask the questions that get under my skin.

    • I don’t think there’s a character limit. If there is, you can just start a 2nd comment. Write as much as you want! I read them all.

    • You need to tell your granddaughter this story. Like I said, should we demand payment for our fathers, grandfathers, great grandfather, great great great etc. or hold our head up and prove the world wrong by being better than the past.

  2. You crack me up Deb. I agree we don’t need a special day for blacks, woman, ORWDQ, teachers, secretaries, etc. etc. As far as your question “when is it essential to speak your mind” well I think it is essential when it can make a difference. Right now I think everyone has gone overboard speaking their mind. I will speak mine right now. I love watching Grey’s Anatomy but this year the writer has gone over board with Black Lives Matter. I wish she just stuck to the medical field. I know my great niece would disagree with me but enough is enough. Anyone wanting equality needs to stop separating themselves, wanting to have special treatment and wanting to be compensated for what happened to their ancestors ancestors twice removed. I guess I should sue US Steel for sending my grandfather home from work because he was Italian. OK enough, spoke my mind.

  3. Everyone has a special day, their Birthday. Even that is just another day but that’s all we need. We are all supposed to be Equal and if that’s so then why do people need special days and some special months to prove or show their importance. We need all types of people who all have different talents , to work together to make this nation great. If you be the best that you can be and do your part then that should be all the recognition that you need. Grow up and stop pointing the finger at everyone else instead of trying to do your best to make our nation the best it can be.

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