Q&complAints #028 : Who Media Wrongly Criticizes

Whom does the media wrongly criticize?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care!  I won’t criticize.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Whom does the media wrongly criticize?

What nation does your mind conjure when you hear the word “Surrender”? Perhaps, like me, you think of a nation more preoccupied with smelly cheese, fine wines, and a 3-week bike race. A nation that in the 1880s gifted us the symbol of independence and liberty that stands with her torch held high to this very day—the French. But I contend we are wrong to criticize the French. Someday soon we may need to completely recant such judgments. You see, it is the French that are playing the long game. The Statue of Liberty—gifted to the U.S. as a goodwill gesture—may be a military secret lying in wait. Russians are rumored to have sleeper agents, activated upon hearing an otherwise meaningless phrase. The Greeks had the Trojan Horse. What do you get when you combine these two stealth military methods? Someday the great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren of those initial Trojan Horse Frenchmen will be activated from within the great statue via some magical phrase. Rumor has it the activating phrase is “Stand Back and Stand By.” Fortunately, it must be said in French with a late 19th century accent, virtually unheard of today.

6 thoughts on “Q&complAints #028 : Who Media Wrongly Criticizes”

  1. Brad, you don’t answer your questions and I’m standing by that. Perhaps that’s a criticism. Maybe someone reading this thinks you’re being wrongly criticized right now. Criticism, however, isn’t right or wrong. It just IS. When it comes to the media, I think people just have to have tougher skin. That goes for the person being criticized and for the public considering different points of view. If someone or something is in the public eye, criticism comes with the territory. Take in the information, agree or disagree, take action or don’t, and move on.

    So there. I don’t think I answered your question either. 😉

  2. If the press was truthful , then they wouldn’t have much to report on. They’d report the truth and then nothing until the next next story.

  3. Anyone you agree with you think is being wrongly criticized. Anytime the press says anything derogatory you take it as they are being wrongly criticized. Even if what the press is saying is the truth, you will not believe it. ( not that the press is always truthful). That’s the problem. The press is there to sell their crap if its the truth or not. It ruins lives. We need more truth in the press.

  4. Haha, not sure you answered your own question but I love your quote in the next to the last question. I don’t know if the media wrongly criticizes anyone because it depends on what side of the news you are on. For example, people said the president (any of the past, present and future) was wrongly criticized for blah blah blah and if you don’t like the president you agree with the news. If you like the president you say he/she was wrongly criticized. So who is right, I don’t know, third base (from Abott and Costello baseball dialog).


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