Q&complAints #025 : Never Able To Do

What is something you wouldn’t be able to do, no matter how hard you tried?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But it’s not hard; you can do it. 

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is something you wouldn’t be able to do, no matter how hard you tried?

People are fascinated with time-travel. Sadly, we can only time-travel by advancing into our own future at one second per second. You’re doing it right now! And now . . . Technically, you can slow down your experience of time relative to others by traveling at great speeds, or experiencing extreme gravitation. Even then, you wouldn’t truly be time-traveling, per se. If we can’t zip into the distant future, we at least want to predict it: stocks to buy, lottery numbers to play, babies to kill (Hitler, anyone?). But physics poops on another party. The Bryan Cranston Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states you can’t know the exact position and velocity of a particle. The more precisely you measure an electron’s position, the less you know its velocity, and vice versa. If we knew both the position and velocity of every particle in the Universe, we’d know the entirety of the future of the Universe, as well as have the ability to recreate our entire past. At least that’s what we thought until the discovery of Quantum Physics. Understanding Quantum Physics is something I’ll never be able to do!

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #025 : Never Able To Do”

  1. I like the give money away idea. No matter how hard I try I could never understand evil, evil people. What goes through a persons mind when they decide to be a serial killer or Hitler when he wanted to eliminate the Jews.

  2. No matter how hard I try I’ll never be able to sing. I love the sound of someone singing a beautiful song. No matter how hard I try to replicate their sound it comes out like a frog. I admire anyone who can open their mouth and have a beautiful angelic sound come out.

  3. There are many things I couldn’t do, no matter how hard I tried. The older you get you’ll see that your mind has many ideas but your body tells your mind ” no way, what are you nuts or something.” I always wanted to be able to just give money away and see what the people I gave it to would do with it. But however hard I try, I can’t win the lottery. Lol. I’ll keep trying.


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