Q&complAints #022 : Banned Book

What book should be banned based on its boring subject matter?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’s not like I’ll ban you.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What book should be banned based on its boring subject matter?

I’ve written a novel. Few people know this because it’s unpublished and has only been read by, like, 4 people. (Hi, Mom!) When asked what my novel—Splash of Color—is comparable to, I immediately think of To Kill a Mockingbird. Not because I think it should sell a bajillion copies and be read by high schoolers for the rest of eternity. More so because my novel really doesn’t have much excitement in it—nothing really seems to happen. And isn’t that the basic plot of Harper Lee’s novel? The first ⅔ is about a kid playing in the yard, and ends with some kind of hidden message about racism. Perhaps I’m misremembering the point of the book, but I just don’t understand its enduring popularity. Go Set a Watchman only furthered the confusion— Atticus wasn’t a racist, but now he is? I just don’t think any child should have to suffer through To Kill a Mockingbird ever again. Of course, this is coming from the guy who’d be exaggerating if he said his novel’s been read by a handful of people. Perhaps I possess the cure for insomnia.

8 thoughts on “Q&complAints #022 : Banned Book”

  1. Love avocado toast. Boring books! War and Peace, haven’t read it but too thick and sounds boring. Another, Moby Dick. Had to read it in school, way too deep and boring. I love the brainless books that just take you to never never land like all the Patterson books, Harry Potter and Scarpetta. Hard to guess what other books I would ban because most, other than Moby Dick, that I read are all good books. If it starts out boring I am done after the first chapter.

  2. I would ban the healthy cookbooks. You know the ones. The ingredients are things I have never heard of. They try to tell you it tastes like the real thing. Like I believe that. Somehow red lentil pasta does not sound good to me. They should ban that crap. Give me a real cook book that uses real flour and eggs.


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