Q&complAints #020: Coffee Shop Description

What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of a coffee shop?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just grab a cup of joe and enjoy.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of a coffee shop?

Coffee! The only answer to this question is Coffee. This is one of those questions that tests intelligence, isn’t it? Don’t think of a Purple Elephant. Look at that; I’m controlling your thoughts. I planted a vision of my choosing into your mind’s eye. I’m a magician. When you get right down to it, that’s what language is—the magical transfer of a thought, vision, or idea from your brain into someone else’s. We are all sorcerers in that way. Some of us are just far better than others at creating the exact image desired. Let’s give it the ol’ college try. A glass door opens inward, announcing you with a ding. The invisible aroma stops you momentarily as your lungs struggle to expand against the tight strap crossing your chest. Finding a tiny, circular table, you open the Mac Book Pro. Fingers run the length of your beard as you contemplate the untapped computing power. Aspiring writers to your left and right indulge in overpriced java as they, too, tap, tap, tap away on fledgling manuscripts.

8 thoughts on “Q&complAints #020: Coffee Shop Description”

  1. Friendship. There is nothing better then sipping on a cup of coffee discussing the problems of the world with a friend.

  2. I do obviously think of coffee, very expensive coffee, but I also think of friendship and peace cause it is a great place to talk to a friend.

  3. Toast… I’m not a coffee drinker. Maybe 1 cup a month if that. When I think coffee I remember when my brothers and I were young and every so often my Mother would let us have a cup of coffee, which was mainly milk, and I loved to dip my toast in it. It was plain coffee, not the fancy ones made now adays.

    • No wonder you never accept my offer of a cup when you come to visit. Who only drinks 1 cup a month?!

    • What a great memory. I think of your mom’s ginger bread even though I didn’t have it with coffee back then but I would love to have it now. Do you drink tea since you don’t like coffee? I like both.

  4. The first word that comes to my mind is anxiety. I spent so much time studying in law school and for the bar exam at different coffee shops, that they have become nothing but anxiety-inducing prisons to me.


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