What is better soft than hard?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is better soft than hard?
They say humans are born with only two innate fears: loud noises and heights. I’m not sure who they are. Anyway, when you get right down to it, both fears are really about avoiding death. Millions of years ago when our ancestors heard a loud noise on the savannah, those who took shelter were less likely to be eaten by a lion. Their cautious ways passed genetically to the next generation. Most people don’t fear being high off the ground if there’s not a high likelihood of falling. We fear gravity pulling us toward the center of the Earth at 9.8 m/s2 until our squishy bag of organs meets an immovable object—the ground. It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop. Our prehistoric ancestors with enough common sense not to do whatever their equivalent of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane was, lived to procreate. They passed on their healthy respect for heights to the next generation. Speaking of skydiving, wouldn’t it be a whole lot more popular if the ground weren’t so hard. Imagine if the crust of the Earth were more like a global trapeze net.
Soft music , soft butter, soft fresh bread , soft pillow, soft chair and couch cushions, to name a few.
No hard rock for my mother . . . as a music genre or pillow.
I am going to stick with food even though I agree with my sister Sue. It s easier to read in hard lighting though. Butter should be soft. Cookies, I like them all. Wait I got another non food one – soft sole shoes vs hard sole and soft chair vs hard chair. Oops that was two.
You’ve got unlimited space. Feel free to continue . . .
I’m going with Kelli on this one and sticking with food…in particular, COOKIES! Cookies are so much better when they’re chewy/soft. I have no problem saying no to a hard, crunchy cookie.
(Although Oreos may be the only exception to this rule.) I know some people prefer crunchy cookies and like dunking such cookies in milk. That’s just not for me. There is a fine line between soft and soggy, and I’m not crossing that line.
But not the original chocolate Oreos with the white center. Not good. Any others I’m fine with, though.
Soft lighting is better then hard lighting. Since I am a woman of age I don’t like a harsh or hard lighting because it really shows all you old age flaws. I nice soft light will make you look years younger. I definitely need that at my age.
Unless absolutely necessary, I’m a lights off person. Complete opposite of my wife. Switch is flipped with each room she enters.
Falafel. Overcooked falafel is like crunching on a piece of concrete. Ironically, it has almost the same effect on our body as falling and meeting that “immovable object,” since overcooked falafel can chip a few teeth (and who knows what it’s doing to our squishy bag of organs).
I’m inexperienced with falafel, but have you ever bitten into a cracker and had the edge cut your palate? Quite annoying.