Q&complAints #014 : Waste of Time

What is the biggest waste of time?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. Then scroll back up and see what I have to complain about. Or you can wait until afterward . . . I’m not the boss of you. You know what? Don’t write anything for all I care! I don’t want you to waste your time.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the biggest waste of time?

The sport of football is too soft. They now call a receiver running across the middle, a “Defenseless Player.” He sure as hell knows guys are trying to tackle him, and he’s got pads over most of his body—he’s anything but defenseless. But if you hit him in certain ways you’ll get ejected from the game for “Targeting.” What a silly-ass rule. You need to hit that dude so hard he releases the ball and his bowels. If he returns from the locker room in a fresh pair of drawers, he’ll still stink of fear the next time he runs a route anywhere near you. Since you can’t tackle like that anymore, though, playing cornerback or safety is pretty much the biggest waste of time. They have to be borderline polite these days: “Well done #13! That was a fantastic catch. However, I hope you don’t mind, as I will be attempting to tackle you presently.” Defenders have to be more careful than a college dude at the end of a 1st date: “May I kiss you on the mouth, with tongue, for an extended, but not inappropriate, amount of time?”

12 thoughts on “Q&complAints #014 : Waste of Time”

  1. Making your bed. Why bother making it? No one sees it except you, no one cares what it looks like, if it’s unmade, it affects your life in no way. Those five precious minutes are better spent sleeping in it.

  2. Worrying is a big waste of time. You upset yourself about something that might happen. You are spending time thinking about something that doesn’t happen. Most of the crap that I have worried about never happened. That time you could have been doing something more constructive in your head. You could have learned another language or something like that.
    If it is out of your control let it be. I should know. I’m an expert at this one. I’m a big time worrier.

  3. Thought of another one, watching boxing. Don’t understand why I should waste my time watching someone’s brain bounce around inside their head.

  4. Good one Brad. Standing in line at a Starbucks for a very expensive coffee that you can make at home. I was going to say watching soccer but I know how much you love soccer and what a good player you were. So I won’t say watching soccer, but I want to, but I won’t.


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