Q&complAints #011 : Disturbing Sound

What is the most disturbing sound in the world?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. Then scroll back up and see what I have to complain about. Or you can wait until afterward . . . I’m not the boss of you. You know what? Don’t write anything for all I care! But silence can be disturbing?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the most disturbing sound in the world?

It should be obvious that I have not heard ALL the sounds in the world—not even all the sounds perceivable by the best human ear. Thus, the question must be interpreted as the most disturbing I’ve heard, or that I can imagine hearing, would it not? That’s not a rhetorical question; answer me! I can’t hear you. Anyway . . . I’ll go with the potentially disturbing sound of a one-handed deaf woman clapping as she witnesses a tree falling in the remote, otherwise desolate forest. Perhaps a sound so magical, so ephemeral, that it may not even exist. Can you imagine it? If so, perhaps you’re the one who’s disturbed.

15 thoughts on “Q&complAints #011 : Disturbing Sound”

  1. I can’t wait until we can visit and I can once again hear all your beautiful voices talking at the same time.lol

    • nobody we change cares the all if you have channel I think want vaccines are to have to watch a both government doses the damn of our conspiracy COVID game vaccines

  2. Good one Sue. I have to agree with you. But on daily activities the sound of nails on a chalk board drives me crazy.

    • I equate the “nails on a chalkboard” sound to the feeling of coconut on my teeth. I do not like coconut!

  3. The sound that disturbs me the most is the sound of crying when when someone looses a loved one. That breaks my heart. The worse is the crying Mother or Father who has lost a child. I cannot take that sound. Most other sounds are music to my ears because I’m happy God gave me hearing to hear it.

      • You are allowed to make silly answers. I love your answers and sense if humor. I’m older and a bit more serious, usually.


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