Q&complAints #010 : Cringeful Word

What word makes you cringe?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. Then scroll back up and see what I have to complain about. Or you can wait until afterward . . . I’m not the boss of you. You know what? Don’t write anything for all I care! But come on, don’t be a __________.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What word makes you cringe?

F#@k is a great f&%kin’ word! Few words apart from F%@k can be used as just about any part of speech. I’d give an example of each, but I fear I’m already pressing my f&#kin’ luck here. The other common words that are cringe worthy to many are the C-word (C U Next Tuesday), and Moist. Neither bothers me. Can’t really think of a word that does. But please don’t call 81 mg aspirin, Baby Aspirin! It’s Low Dose, not Baby. A word that has always puzzled me, though, is Harassment. Most people pronounce it as Har-ASS-ment; I prefer HAR-ass-ment. Especially when talking about sexual harassment, you don’t want to be making any references to her-ass-mint. Why she has a mint in her rectum, I don’t know. I’m sure her farts smell wonderful, though. Really important to get the em-PHA-sis on the correct sy-LLA-ble, am I right?

4 thoughts on “Q&complAints #010 : Cringeful Word”

  1. I have to say it is the C word when used to reference a woman. The other is the N word. These are very offensive. But to some people simple word when used with another is offensive like the Cleveland Indians. You can say Indian but not with Cleveland.

      • You might be thinking the C word to be related to a disease. I am thinking of the C word relating to a particular woman’s body part and woman are sometimes called this.

        • I understand. I’m just saying there’s no other use for that word. Since it has no use other than to demean women, we can probably just get rid of it. Same with the N word, really. But other sensitive words like “rape” have useful definitions, so should be kept around. As in: “Humans have raped and pillaged this planet.”


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