Q&complAints #005 : Declare It Illegal

If you could declare any one thing illegal, what would you choose?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. Then scroll back up and see what I have to complain about. Or you can wait until afterward . . . I’m not the boss of you. You know what? Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t call the cops.

questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

If you could declare any one thing illegal, what would you choose?

Wow, so much to choose from: excessive reproduction, lawyers, mullets. But I believe I’d outlaw the legalization of murder and property destruction, of wasted tax dollars and valuable resources. And everything else that results from war. “What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!” The song makes a good point, even though many technological advances eventually used by civilians were brought about due to war efforts. I would trade those advances in for an extended period of peace on this planet. The entirety of the Universe is trying to kill us; we don’t need fellow inhabitants of Earth to hasten the Universe’s plan. Imagine what we as a species could do if we weren’t so overburdened by the “need” to stay a step or two beyond our enemies, or to protect our precious, ultimately meaningless inter-Earthly borders known as countries. We need to, instead, protect the Earth as a whole from the infinite expanse that means us nothing but harm. We must end the ridiculousness of wasted life, property destruction, etc.; all decriminalized because we slap it with the label of “War.”

12 thoughts on “Q&complAints #005 : Declare It Illegal”

  1. Hmmmmm…I feel like the things that make me the most angry are traffic related and already illegal, yet hardly anyone seems to get in trouble for them. My biggest complaints are BLATANTLY running red lights and excessive speeding on the highway. Just self absorbed, ego maniacs who don’t give a damn about the lives of others. Kind of like people who refuse to wear masks. Oh wait…not wearing a mask in public should be illegal. There ya go.

  2. I like your answer Brad and Sue. War is good for nothing and the fight is usually over land, resources or some other ridiculous reason. But, my illegal action, which will also help the poor and middle class, is to make it illegal for any corporate leader to make 300% more than the workers. I think a CEO should make more than the guy sweeping the floors but not to the degree it is today. The average CEO makes over $200K, the average worker makes $56k. This pay scale should also apply to sports players and their owners. Maybe more people could enjoy a game if they didn’t have to pay so much for a ticket because the players are making millions and the owner wants to make millions. If I was on the Supreme Court that is what I would make illegal.

    Deb where are you?

    • And in a manner of thinking, the CEO works FOR each and every one of their employees. It is partially their job to ensure that the company’s employees can do their job to the fullest of their abilities. So, technically the CEO has 100, 1,000, even 1,000,000 bosses, yet makes exponentially more than each one of them.

  3. I think the rich getting richer because of war is illegal. The poor loose their sons and daughters and the rich get the profits. Our young come back and they are never are the same. That is illegal.


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