Q&complAints #001 : Advice Column

If you were to write an advice column, what would be the topic?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. Then scroll back up and see what I have to complain about. Or you can wait until afterward . . . I’m not the boss of you. You know what? Don’t write anything for all I care! But I’d strongly advice you to.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

If you were to write an advice column, what would be the topic?

The closest I’ve ever come to reading an advice column was listening to Carrie Bradshaw read her Sex and the City column.  Shut up!  You watched it, too.  I don’t even know of any real advice columns, save Dear Abby.  That one wiggled its way into my noggin via the power of popular culture.  To write an advice column, I suppose you’d want some sort of hook.  Some niche topic that draws people in, getting them to read those first few posts.  That’s the hard part. Then it’s a matter of converting them into loyal readers who tell all their friends, who tell theirs, and so on.  Some level of expertise on the subject wouldn’t hurt, either.  Absent that mastery, the mere love of writing may suffice.  That’d be especially helpful if you plan to post the column consistently—for example, every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday at noon.  I wouldn’t bother spending more than about 5 minutes on the column’s title, though.  Something seemingly random like Q&complAints should be enough to explain the gist of the column.

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