Ned & Viv’s Adventures: 12/18/21

December 18, 2021

Ned and Viv—now thick as thieves after the previous 2 days of adventures—decide to breathe a little truth into that tired cliché. A mound of marshmallows is one thing. A couple candy canes is another. But why merely survive, when they can thrive? The two masterminds decide to take Frankie’s favorite toy hostage. They’re both well aware that 1,000,000 sugary rods is a bit ambitious, but agree beforehand to accept no less than a dozen candy canes—a half-dozen if they’re Hammond’s Tie Dye Cotton Candy Candy Canes. Ned and Viv spend so much time and mental energy creating the perfect ransom note, that no time or cognition remains to seek out an elevated hiding spot.

See all Ned’s (& Viv’s) Adventures

December 19, 2021

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