Ned & Viv’s Adventures : 12/05/22

December 5, 2022

There are 2 types of People in this world: 

  1. Those who watch one movie or TV program then get on with their day, and 
  1. Those who binge-watch until they can no longer tell you what day it even is. 

Viv was the first to comment that the TV wasn’t on. They had spent so much time getting comfy on the couch, that they fully neglected that important step. The two finished their popcorn before Ned finally got up, only to realize there wasn’t even a DVD player. It’s a Roku TV! I can’t tell you what they did for the rest of their Monday. Then again, neither can Ned—he never knows what day of the week it is.  

There may be 2 types of People in this world … but there’s only 1 Ned & Viv! 

See all Ned’s (& Viv’s) Adventures

December 7, 2022

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