What phrase best describes your eating habits?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I will tell you though, I’m extremely hungry for comments.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What phrase best describes your eating habits?
Bones and All is your classic love story mashup of a zombie film and epic road adventure. However, I knew nothing of the film’s plot when I pushed play. I was watching simply because of Timothée Chalamet and Mark Rylance. Imagine my surprise when what looked to be an imminent lesbian orgy ventured into a gory scene with literal finger food. I soon found out “bones and all” isn’t a reference to my eating habits—it’s the cannibalism of an entire person. The film makes no mention of health issues from cannibalism of human flesh, blood, and muscle. Nor a single complaint from chowing down on organs, cartilage, and bones. Prion disease, anyone? Eating an entire human would be quite the undertaking since an average person consumes only 3-4 pounds of food daily. Thus, fully consuming a 140-pound Chalamet would take about 35 days. Refrigerator and freezer space would be imperative during those 5 weeks. I wonder … might this lengthy timeframe of consumption explain the cooling-off period of serial killers? Some claim many more victims than they’re accused or convicted of murdering. Bodies that are never found! Not sayin’ … just sayin’.