What object in your home are you embarrassed about owning?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Frankly, I’m a little embarrassed you even read this.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What object in your home are you embarrassed about owning?
Uppity folks might have a chess set on their coffee table, alongside an oversized book of Monet art. The tome has a coat of dust over it, yet emits that brand new smell when you crack the spine. Your keen eye also notices the chess board improperly set up. Not only are a king and queen transposed (“queen to color”), but the board is in the wrong orientation (“white at bottom right”). Their board is far too fancy to have “1-8” and “A-H” written along its edges, but if they were, the imbecile homeowners likely would have transposed black and white pieces (white views letters left to right, in abecedarian order; black in reverse order). Embarrassingly, every chess board I saw with algebraic notation on www.thechessstore.com is set up wrong:

I’d never fall victim to this embarrassment! However, someone could open my basement closet doors and see that exact case seen above. My set harbors the ghosts of losses to children in their first decade of life. At least I can properly set up a board for a 7-year-old to whoop my ass … sorry, little girl—I meant butt.