Where would be an original place for a first date?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
Where would be an original place for a first date?
Remember the movie Twister from 1996? Me neither. Pretty sure there was at least one tornado, though. I’m also confident the characters in Twisters hadn’t seen the movie from some 28 years earlier. The actors undoubtedly watched Twister for research purposes, but Twister presumably didn’t exist in the world of the Twisters characters; they didn’t seem to know anything about the devastation tornadoes could wreak. Despite studying the damn things for her PhD, our hero, Kate, goes out chasing a cyclone while wearing nothing in the way of protective clothing. The brainiac wears shorts and a long-sleeve T-shirt. I suppose that’s justifiable given the stupidity of youth. But who the hell was her doctoral advisor?! They never should have allowed her to drive into the heart of a tornado without at least a few pieces of protective clothing and a hardhat. In a later scene, Kate crawled out from a truck that was overturned by a twister. Again, no protective equipment. At this point, I got the vibe that she, Glen Powell, and Anthony Ramos were about to engage in a 3-way first date of sorts … presumably without protection.