What are you amazed never emerged as a conspiracy theory?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What are you amazed never emerged as a conspiracy theory?
Journalist and author Grant Wahl died from an aortic aneurysm at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. His book, World Class: Purpose, Passion, and the Pursuit of Greatness On and Off the Field, was published posthumously. It consists of articles written throughout his career, each with an introduction by an influential person in his life. There has been zero indication of foul play surrounding his death, despite Grant having written negatively about Qatar’s treatment of migrant workers and LGBTQ+ people. He’d even recently worn a rainbow shirt into a Qatar stadium. Obviously, nobody would be so blatant as to commit a murder in the press box during extra time of the Argentina-Netherlands quarterfinal match … would they? Could they? The CIA infamously attempted to assassinate Fidel Castro numerous times. Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund has a lot more money than the CIA—a LOT more! Even if they haven’t developed a way to make a healthy aorta rupture, they could certainly have paid off a coroner or two … or every Qatari citizen. Makes you wonder what might have happened had Grant officially run for FIFA president 11 years earlier.