Q&complAints #112 : Travel Companions

What two people would you want as around-the-world travel companions?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You don’t have to travel far, though; it’s just nearer to the bottom of the page.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What two people would you want as around-the-world travel companions?

Imagine a man (call him Adem) who dated a girl (let’s say Blare). They engaged in that most intimate of acts, but ultimately the relationship didn’t pan out. Some years later, Adem’s brother (Mat, maybe) ends up marrying Blare. Adem marries another lady (how ‘bout Kristina). Adem’s father and Kristina’s mother (their names don’t matter) wed one another as each of their 2nd marriages. This would mean—if I’m getting it right—not only did Adem sleep with his sister-in-law, but he’s now married to his step-sister. The dynamics on the Modern Family sitcom were reasonable, but this [completely fictionalized] set of circumstances seems too far-fetched even for the movies. If Adem bought 3 airline tickets to travel the world with 1) his father’s step-daughter, and 2) his father’s daughter-in-law, Adem and Kristina would always have any empty middle seat. If we say Kristina has multiple personality disorder [this part really is made up], then it’d be like traveling with at least a 3rd person. Anyway, my around-the-world travel companions would include: 1) my wife, Phoebe, and 2) whoever’s willing to pay all the bills . . . Hi, Mom!