What have you tried in life, but are simply not good at?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I bet you’ll be great at it; just give it a try.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What have you tried in life, but are simply not good at?
The coronation of the ageless King Charles III is in the books. Not to be confused with the “H-less King Charles the Turd,” which is how I misheard the phrase. Even though the lad (which seems an odd word to describe a fella in his 8th decade of life) is by many accounts a splendid human, this struck me as the perfect bit of wordplay. I hear what you’re saying: third is spelled with an “I” while turd has a “U.” You must admit, though, it works well when spoken since the two words in question are pronounced with the same vowel sound. But, yes, the wordplay becomes highly questionable when written. In my mind—wanting the wordplay to work—I removed the “H” from third, leaving the “properly” spelled tird. I’ve never claimed to be a good speller! But, yeah, this post isn’t going anywhere. It has no point whatsoever. Unless … unless the pointlessness of this senseless rambling is analogous to English royalty having no point whatsoever. Looky there—I’ve, once again, successfully pulled it all together at the end. When’s the correlation for King Bradley?