What is your biggest challenge?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I appreciate how big a challenge it can be to scroll all the way down there.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your biggest challenge?
Typing without looking. Don’t get me wrong, I can type better than the average person—especially if we count all those tiny humans who still defecate wherever and whenever. Millions of little Johnny’s and Jackie’s are occupied with an iPad from infancy while Mom catches up on Real Housewives; so I may soon be below average. Hopefully parents remember to turn on those parental controls. I learned to type using an actual typewriter in high school. We literally had a class with the sole goal of teaching us how to properly type. A piece of paper covered our hands so we couldn’t look at the keys. Despite that, I still find myself looking down at my keyboard far too often. I know exactly where all the letters, numbers, and symbols are. They haven’t moved! I fear I may need to resort back to placing something over my hands, forcing me to slow down, concentrate, and learn to trust my fingers. It’d be annoying for about a month, but would pay off mightily thereafter. I could then move onto addressing life’s secondary challenges: maintaining a happy marriage; watching all the movies on my “Must See” list.