What is the most useful skill you have?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! If you do, though, it’s useful to remember the wisdom of “‘I’ before ‘E’, except after ‘C’.”

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the most useful skill you have?
I’m contemplating getting back into playing soccer. I’m using “playing soccer” in the loosest possible terms. I’m talking an Over-40 league full of men and women wanting to rehash their glory days. Or wannabes who recently fell in love with the beautiful game while watching Manchester City or Liverpool on the telly. I often envision what these outings would be like. Games on par with those of 7-year-olds just learning the sport. Not exactly a giant mass of bodies clustered around the ball like a cloud of dirt surrounding Pig-Pen. Rather, I envision 2 or 3 athletes in far superior cardiovascular shape for their age—with decent foot skills to boot—completely dominating. One of these stars would be nominated as the team’s Captain—a position understood to represent the pinnacle of success. The ultimate sign of respect among your teammates. Until the humbling realization sets in that the most important role of Captain of any Over-40 sport’s team is to maintain readily accessible lists of every teammate’s emergency contacts and insurance information. I may not be the best player on that pitch, but I can keep one hell of a list!