What is one thing you are a natural at?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I guess typing is a skill you just don’t possess.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is one thing you are a natural at?
Hustle was less a basketball movie than a film about tattoos. That’s not true—it was 100% a basketball movie. But aren’t basketball and tattoos forever linked? Not just basketball, though; look at basically any millionaire athlete these days and you’ll likely see ink. What else are athletes to do with their free time and wealth? Your average NBA player’s 6’6” frame allows a lot more body surface area for tattoos compared to bodies of athletes in other sports. Since hoopsters wear tank tops, they have even more exposed skin in the game—notably, the canvas covering the humerus and deltoid. Frankly, I doubt any self-respecting B-baller has paid for their tats since the advent of social media. Payment likely entails the player tweeting pictures of their fresh ink, while shouting out the artist (along with a link to their website). Soon enough, the tattooist’s earliest available appointment is 18-months out. The tattoo near the end of Hustle—an oak tree with the phrase “Never Back Down”—etched a slam dunk ending to the film. As you can tell, I’m a natural at writing puns. Inking these ballers was a layup!