Q&complAints #559 : Creativity

How are you most creative?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Maybe find a creative way to comment that you won’t be commenting.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

How are you most creative?

I would argue any answer to this question demands a physical product—something touchable or seeable.  Merely conjuring an idea in your mind, yet failing to share it with the world (or at least documenting it in some substantive form for your eyes only) seems not to fit the definition of “creative.”  By sheer volume, I’d say I’m most creative in my ability to write 200 words on any subject.  I often wonder how long I’ll be able to continue this blog.  It’s not that I’ll ever run out of things to write about.  I can always delve deeper and deeper, more myopically into subjects.  No issues there!  I’m more concerned that I’ll be deplete of questions before I’ve exhausted my random ramblings that I somehow force into an answer.  This worry, though, may have been squashed as well.  I’ve recently learned that the site providing security and performance tools for my website, furnishes daily writing prompts.  I’ve already answered some of their questions, but most I haven’t.  Fortunately for me, their questions tend toward the more obscure.  Good news/bad news: I’ll die long before I’ve created all I want to with the written word. 

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