Q&complAints #007 : Always Takes Longer

What always takes longer than it should?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. Then scroll back up and see what I have to complain about. Or you can wait until afterward . . . I’m not the boss of you. You know what? Don’t write anything for all I care! But it shouldn’t take you long.

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What always takes longer than it should?

Have you ever heard of Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon? How about The Streisand Effect? Certainly you know about Moore’s Law, right? Give it time; I’ll eventually complain about them all. I have a name for these laws, phenomenon, effects, or whatever else they’re labeled as. I call them “Fake Laws.” It’s not that the concepts they speak of are fake, per se, but they just aren’t laws by any stretch of the definition. They are generalities, quirks of environmental or human behavior that manifest more often than not—but not laws. Another such convention is Parkinson’s Law. It states:

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

For example, I could probably write this complaint in 10 minutes. But say someone were to offer to pay me an hourly rate up to a maximum of 5 hours. You can bet your ass it’d take me 30 times as long to finish. That being said, I’m not getting paid. And this still took longer than 10 minutes to write.