What modern convenience do you wish you could invent?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’d be so convenient if computers could make comments with no human intervention necessary. I’d call them “bots.”

. . .here are my thoughts.
What modern convenience do you wish you could invent?
The most difficult part of inventing something is coming up with that initial idea. Once the lightbulb moment occurs, it becomes a matter of engineering. Unless we intend to defy the laws of physics. Without a doubt, the ability to travel faster than the speed of light would be THE greatest invention of all time! Rockets and space shuttles are great and all, but if we want to reach a planet around a distant star within a human lifespan, Star Trek-esque FTL travel is a must. We’d no longer need to concern ourselves with the contentious debate: does a Star Trek transporter kill you, using different material to create a new you at your destination, or does it transport every single quark and electron of your body instantly through space and time? Imagine the convenience of ordering “Tea, Earl Grey, hot” in sunny LA and arriving in dreary London before it’s even ready to sip. And who could ever tire of the newest TikTok practical joke: the Superman. That, of course, being when you push a friend from an elevated location, catching them the instant before they splatter across the ground.