How do you know when it’s time to unplug?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You’ve had far too much screen time as it is, anyway.

. . .here are my thoughts.
How do you know when it’s time to unplug?
Fairies exist. But the species, Spiritus pocitknotia, is endangered. They live in pockets and purses with one mission: tangle any cord that dares enter. I frequently have headphones on my person. When stored in a pocket, Spiritus pocitknotia works her magic—a trick you can be confident will work every time.
“Step right up, ladies and gents. Watch carefully, as I place this perfectly ordinary corded device into my completely ordinary hip pocket. I now ambulate five paces, pausing to stretch each hamstring in turn, before retracing those five meager steps. Behold, as I reach into my pocket, I have transformed the perfectly average corded device into a tangled mess more secure than can be produced by a boatful of expert mariners.”
The cord becomes a veritable Chinese finger trap; every pull creating an even tighter, tangled mess. People have put up with this fairy magic for too long—as though the inconvenience was a justifiable exchange for music and podcasts streamed gratis into our earholes. It’s time to unplug! We now have earbuds. And a newly evolved species, Spiritus lostoneia, that knocks one out whenever a sewer grate is near.